Wednesday 9 November 2016

Transition from year 12 to year 13 - Arman

I will be writing a blog post reflecting upon the past decisions my past group(Lit productions) and what I am doing differently now or what I could have done to make the final footage better than what it already is with knowledge I acquired throughout the year leading to our groups new production.

In the prelim task we were made to do,  we had rushed out prelim since we took too much time trying to get a plot to film.  In this footage you can hear laughing which wasn't cut out at 19seconds in.  If I were to redo the prelim again with my current experience, I'd cut the audio out sooner before the laughing and have smoother cuts since at the start of the footage we have to replay it twice which isn't very visually appealing watching the same scene twice but from a different angle, I would instead film the scene and jump cut to another angle whilst the character is still walking to keep the place in time but make the scene look more normal.

In the filming stages of our thriller opening credits we had problems in the process of filming,  we couldn't round all the people whom we asked due to us asking everyone last minute.  This caused a huge problem in the production of the opening credits since we couldn't round everyone in time for the original shooting plan and had to postpone it to a later date which put us really behind schedule.  If i were to redo the filming with my current knowledge I would have made sure to plan the filming at least 1 week in advance in order to round people I know will have the time on the filming date, and also be able to ask other people incase some people can't make it.

Our group was stuck on making an ident for a couple of weeks, I decided to take it upon myself to make a rushed ident since we were over the deadline to make out ident, it took me 30minutes to put together.  I wasn't proud of it and felt that I could've done better.  The outcome is a very basic looking opening.  If i could have redone the ident with my current experience and time management skills, I would have made the ident a priority and given it more time and thought with my group in order to perfect it to the highest quality I can possible output.

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