Friday 18 November 2016

Interviewee research - Arman

Today I contacted 1 independent artist and an independent band for an interview in order for our group to gain an insight in what it's like within the music industry for smaller label performers.

We have decided to interview Mr.Selley from the band: A.Human, which is a pop comedy band who use both comedy and music to create masterpieces such as "Take Me Home".
A.Human have been touring with Art Brut and share a label with Reverend & the Makers. It's telling company: they're mainly-electronic pop merchants with a sort of overarching conceptual approach to music-making, or some sort of aesthetic ideal for living. The very least you could say about them is that they've got a couple of ideas. One of them is to question the idea of what it is to be human: "It's A.Human as in asexual," they told New Band of the Day, "as in Not Really Human. But it could also be Mr A. Human, or the average human." Got that? To reinforce the idea that identity, humanity and conformity are being questioned, the band members are all called Human, as per the Ramones. And yet, like Art Brut and R&TM, they've got one of those charismatic frontmen destined to become the focal point. Only Dave Human is apparently darker and more disturbed than Eddie Argos or Jon McClure, although the record company told us that so we'll just have to take their word for it. All we know is, A.Human's singer reads a lot, he's got a warped sense of humour, and during live performances he does wild and crazy things like sip people's drinks and tease tough guy hecklers in the audience until they're won over. He's been called "a sexy geek" and he sings about sinister characters like a Morrison who shops at Morrison's.


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