Wednesday 9 November 2016

Analysis of Last year's work and improvements - Rye

After analysing my work from last year, I recognise how I have improved over the year shown in the quality of my posts and what changes I would make now were I to redo the course.

Last year's original storyboard compared to this year's shows that I've used more videos to more accurately portray how our presentation is going to look as last year I only used pictures with music that wasn't what we would actually use. 

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Laura Mulvey research, I now would add a video as evidence to show where i got my knowledge from. More detail could have been added to my explanation and I should have used another example to cross reference and backup my Alien example.

With the Zombieland title editing sequence I would have now used different angles and length shots in each segment as the currently the shots are plain static shots with one tracking shot. The length of shots need to be changed so that there is a greater variation of shot types. long shots, close ups etc.

When it came to filming i had made a screenplay however ended up not using it nor did I make a new plan for the opening after I decided I wasn't going to use my storyboard. I should have made a new storyboard with a list of camera shits and angles as well as the props that we'd need. This would have allowed our group to be more efficient and effective with the time we had during filming.

For our final piece I like the transitions between the student and librarian however I believe that it doesn't build up anything and doesn't suggest anything to the audience other than these are two characters that will both be involved in the story. The sequence also stays focused on the walking at the start for too long and in my opinion this part would have been better served cutting away to items linked to the plot e.g. a bloody knife

More emphasis should have been put on getting an accurate storyboard that precisely portrays all the shots that will need to be done showing transitions. Videos would have been better as they are better for group to visualise what will happen.


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