Thursday 24 November 2016

How my thriller from last year used Media Language Creatively - Rye

1. My thriller is about a killer librarian who writes out her murders before she acts them out upon students however one student had found the diary and realises that he is the next victim.

2.Charles Derry believes that tension is why people are drawn to watch horror movies. He believes that they come to get their blood pumping as they enjoy the buzz they get from the build up of tension.

3. An example of this in my coursework last year was the cross cut between the feet to build up tension to an upcoming conflict.

4. The editing of having the shots alternate between librarian and student builds up suspense as it implies that there will clearly be an interaction between the two characters.

 5. Another example of a psycho-traumatic thriller would be the overlay of our Librarian stamping away at the books frantically with her crazy hair.

6. The tension is built up through the use of sound and mise en scene, we have the stamping overlap from two separate clips that make the stamping more rapid as if a heartbeat is increasing.

7.Strauss's theory that to drive any narrative forward there must be some kind of opposition or conflict within the story, an example being the contrasting views that the Sith and the Jedi have in Star Wars is always the driving force of the film or Good vs Evil.

8.An example of this is when we have a crosscut between our scrappy teenager and the cool, calculated librarian.

 9.We created contrast through the use of mise en scene as it is used to show the class and gender differences of the two conflicting characters centred to the plot.

10.A different cut was used between when the librarian puts the book away in her desk and when the student takes the book out from the drawer.

11.Using cinematography and editing, we cut quickly between the two characters whilst maintain the exact same static shot the show the two characters are linked, the jump shows off the mise en scene as well as you literally have a side by side comparison of the clothes worn by both characters.

 12.We attempted to challenge Laura Mulvey's idea of the 'male gaze' by having our lead female character be older and much more scruffier than the media usually portrays women and so I believe that our librarian challenges this stereotype similarly to Sigourney Weaver did in Alien 3.

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