Monday 5 December 2016

Potential interview with A.Human - Arman

Following our interview with Jonny and Danny, we have found many intriguing answers that opened our eyes more to how the music industry revolves around smaller artists.  So far we haven't received a response from A.Human for our interview, however we will have to find a new interviewee if A.Human doesn't respond within the week seeing that our deadline for research+planning is December 15th.

We have an interviewee in mind, he goes by the name of DJ Shitpost, here's his soundcloud:
We hope that A.Human does respond in time so that we have the opportunity to have a bigger musical name as one of our interviewees.  Though we don't mean to belittle DJ Shitpost, we simply would find it more practical if we had a band assigned to a minor label rather than a freelance artist.

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