Thursday 8 December 2016

Interview footage - Seyi

Below is my footage from when we went to film on Chagford Road. I did not get to post this for a while because the footage was not importing into the computer:

Issues encountered while filming:
  • My camera battery died, so I had to film with the charger in the camera on the tripod
  • Samit filmed on his phone but in portrait, so the footage came out in an odd frame which does not match mine or the other footage we have filmed.
  • Rye's battery died.
  • Someone honked their horn whilst filming outside.
  • I constructed a shot list, but I was the only one who followed it because of the space difficulty, the dead camera batteries and the access to only one copy.
How we could have done better:
  • Our intention before filming, was to film with two cameras. However, there was not much space to set up, so the angles did not turn out as nice, and there was always a camera showing in the shot. We could have positioned them better in order to achieve a variety of angles and shots.
  • We should have full batteries before going out to film.
  • We should not have moved or zoomed while filming, because it is a filming 101 NO, it ruins the raw footage, makes it harder to cut and should only be done through editing or on a dolly.
  • The room was quite dim, causing my footage to look a bit dull. For higher quality footage, more lighting should be involved, as it really helped in my AS work.

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