Monday 10 October 2016

Primary Research: Target Audience Member Profiles & interviews - Seyi

Christopher Williams

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Occupation: DJ
Interests: - disk jockeying and sound manipulation,
-Wild n Out (TV program)
- Listening to music

Christopher Williams is a suitable member of our target audience because he is a young male and likes discovering underground artists and music is the main part of his occupation.
Where do you get most of your news from?
Snapchat, because it provides different sites to where you can get your news from which all have different themes which do not appeal to everyone, but some appeal to me. I subscribe to MTV on Snapchat.
Why do you like MTV's snapchat?
I like it because I have always been one to watch MTV for the information on music, even on TV, so when  I found out it was on Snapchat, I said 'oh, an easier way to access my news.' I like the busy layout and design of their Snaps and even the short few seconds of colourful animation and a great beat behind it. 
What don't you like about MTV?
I don't like the fact that they are more about the celebrity, rather than the music. For example: I hate seeing news on the Kardashians on MTV, because they have nothing to do with music. MTV used to be solely about the music, but now it's more about the person making the music.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Considering my profession, I listen to everything, but I personally, I like bashment, and r&b. 
Do you listen to underground artists?
Yes, a lot actually. Many times when I'm working a set, I'm often given tracks from random people who want to be discovered. I also work alongside many underground artists when they performing their set. I also use my SoundCloud to discover new sounds which would be good to play when I'm working.
How would you describe your ideal news channel?
Loads of colour. Loads of music involved, during or somewhere in between the delivering of news. Fresh ideas and conversations on real issues in the industry. I also like discussion tables, where people express their views on controversial topics, its really informative and interesting to watch. Also, because music is a fun thing to talk about, I love it when there are a few jokes here and there, with the use of camera and sound. Like, when someone cracks a bad joke and there is a pathetic sound of drums and symbols, or when something is awkward and the camera zooms into someone's face really close to see their clueless expression.

Jacob Scales

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Interests: Rugby, Football, WWE, Fifa, Music, Memes
Jacob scales is a suitable member of our target audience because he is a young male and likes music on a whole as he finds it is a good way to bond with his friends.
Where do you get most of your news from?
I don't really like the news, but I do watch Sky news sometimes when they talk about things which affect me and they deliver news about everything, which would appeal to everyone. Most of the time I read Complex magazine or go on their website.
Why do you like Complex?
I like it because they have news on everything, even though they specify on music, they have articles on things like the US elections, basketball, etc. It is from Complex that I get to know when albums drop as well. I also like Complex because of their quite artistic. Their cover art for every magazine they release is legendary, Khole Kardashian's cover being my favourite. Their backdrop when they deliver the news is also quite nice as they keep it colourful, yet simple, so I can concentrate on the reporter, unlike Sky news where the colours are too bright for me to concentrate for long. Lastly, I like their opening sequence art, its simplistic, yet it hits you in the face, so you notice what you are watching.
What don't you like about Complex?
It can get a bit boring because I feel like I'm just watching someone talk and looking at photos. I also don't like how they are not international enough, I never really see music from the UK there, although I do get surprised when I see Section Boyz on it.
What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to grime, rap, and pop music.
Do you listen to underground artists?
Yes, all off my soundcloud. I think the best music comes from underground artists because it isn't anything you hear everyday. I like how I can introduce songs to my friends and they haven't heard it off of MTV already. I find it really hard to find music from them though because as the name illustrates 'underground.'
How would you describe your ideal news channel?
Colourful, brings up news that the media won't normally recognise, fun, special guests and really cool animations.

Toni Braithwaite

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Occupation: Blogger
Interests: Painting, public speaking, drinking wine and conspiracy theories
Where do you get most of your news from?
I read Dazed magazine
Why do you like Dazed Magazine?
I like it because of their in-depth articles on artists and creative images on the cover and within, I also like their website because it gives me information on the people to look out for (both mainstream and niche) and has reminders on music i may have missed within the month. I also like their articles, as they tackle controversial topics and recognize topics people don't really talk about. I also like their 'modernised grunge' theme, and how it is reflected on both the website and magazine.
What don't you like about Dazed Magazine?
The website can get a bit cluttered, and they focus too much on the images.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Anything. Especially, R&B, Jazz and Alternative Rock
Do you listen to underground artists?
Not always, I feel like I cannot access them without going out of my way. However, I do like live music at coffee houses and bars.
How would you describe your ideal news channel?
Organised and I would also like to hear snippets of music

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