Thursday 6 October 2016

Adobe Premiere Elements - Seyi

Today, I learned how to use Adobe Premiere Elements to edit my videos. I am new to the school, and in my old school used to use Movie Studio Platinum. Learning how to use this software was slightly difficult, considering it's complexity compared to Movie Studio Platinum.

Explained below is how I  used MSP to edit my videos. It is extracted from my blog post at AS Level, Evaluation Question Six:

Below is the picture taken when I had first used APE. I learnt the basics during class, while putting together the opening sequence draft. Rye provided the videos of the globe, and I cut and put together long videos I extracted from YouTube.

Using this software, I learned how to trim, fade in, fade out, add music, add more videos, and more of the basic skills used to make a video. I found it very difficult to use, and remember what to do, however, I look forward to leaning more advanced ways of using it.
I used these two videos from two different concerts, from up-coming artists, Byson Tiller and Bibi Bourelly:

I will post more about my progress with APE as I learn how to use it, as for now, everything I do on APE is preliminary.

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