Tuesday 11 October 2016

Filming Venues Research - Seyi

Today, I carried out research in order to find venues suitable for filming.

The criteria in which I used to find these places included: the lighting of the venue, the people within the area, distance, the risk attached to being in that area, and the scenery and activities available.

As a group, we decided to find areas which had many young people around or queuing up in the area, preferably gigs, since that is what our news package is based on. However, most gigs are done at night, and we cannot film under low lighting, as that is not a convention of news packages because it lowers the quality.

I had found these 8 venues:
1. Roundhouse Radio: Young Creatives
2. Young Vic
3. Rough Trade
4. Dalston Roof Park
5. Shoreditch
6. Camden Lock/Market
7. Outside any Mcdonalds
8. At school

I think Rough Trade, is a good venue as it works in favour of what we are going to report about - "The legendary Rough Trade record label has a full programme of in-store performances, events and signings at both Rough Trade East and Rough Trade West, giving music fans a chance to meet some of the most exciting up-and-coming bands."
Shoreditch is also a very good place to catch scenery which matches our newspackage. Assisted by graffiti, it provides a colourful and youthful appearance, which would be good for the short frames which would be shown during the delivery of the news. Camden Lock is also a very colourful place, is very crowded, and commonly visited by young people.

Lastly, the conventional places to find any young person, outside any McDonald's or at school. McDonald's is a popular hangout for young people, even though it is just a fast food restaurant, there are usually loads of young people inside or outside of  it. 
Some of the places I had mentioned, such as Rough Trade, must be filmed at night to achieve the best results for population. If we want to film under high key lighting, I think it would be more suitable to stage the scene.

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