Wednesday 1 March 2017

Photo & Quote Presentation - Seyi

To find a way to present my quotes in a more contemporary and interesting way, such as how Complex News does theres. I checked youtube for transitions tutorials and then I found this:

The first time I did it, it was a fail, because I did not follow the instructions properly. First I thought I could manage the situation, but I realised it looked really weird. Below is my first try and my second try, I got it right on my second try.

I only used the tutorial for transitions, so I never watched it to the end. When I finally got it right, I saved a copy, and edited that copy in order to use it within text. At first, I was not sure where I needed text, but then I realised I needed a form of text to present the 'staff talks' vox pops, and using the transition as a fill would promote uniformity. So I then followed the tutorial to the end and used it. The first video my first attempt, which was an epic fail, I was going to manage it until I found out how awkward it looked, because I was still using the pre-composed graphics from my first transition fail. The second video is my final product, using the second perfect transition and the 'Luma Matte' effect.

Below is my final product and my first try for implementing the images on my transition, which will appear on the screen to show proof of successful independent artists, both British and American, one are Remy Ma lyrics, the other is a screenshot of JME's twitter. I first thought I had it right, until I spotted some faults, such as the JME part being too long and gaps in the image of my tansition.
First try:

Second try:

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