Friday 3 March 2017

Green Screen Backdrop - Seyi

After spending weeks cutting, blurring and compiling music videos, I have finally come up with nearly two and a half minutes worth of backdrop footage.
I came up with the idea of blurring music videos and using them as a background to make it easier for the viewers to concentrate on the presenter. The first time we used footage from a festival, but it looks messy and quite harsh on the eyes. I created this backdrop to not only make it more appealing, but to include a social media tab
So rather than use a boring background or doing the conventional outdoor filming, we thought this would be true to our aesthetic and displays exactly what our news package is about. Our group was told not to use any known footage as our own, but we were given the green light when I asked about using it just for mis-en-scene.
Below is the green screen backdrop footage:

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