Thursday 30 March 2017

Final News Package - Samit, Seyi, Arman and Rye

Final product that we have produced. This news package is filled with relevant information allowing our viewers to see what its like to be an independent artist vs an artists signed to a label.

Samit, Seyi, Arman and Rye

Website Published + Link - Samit

We have finally published our website. The website contains all the new information about independent artists and the latest hits that we are able to find in order to give them a chance to become big and live the life they desire.


Wednesday 29 March 2017

Pie Chart For Public Interview - Samit

I created a pie chart in order to show the statistics for the public interview clearly, this provides clarity for the news package and allow a smoother experience.


Music Replacement For Coldplay Music - Samit

Due to the other music underneath our graphics not being created by us, I created new music to replace the old soundtrack. I replaced the old music in order to make our news package seem more authentic and to allow us to reach a higher mark.

Monday 27 March 2017

Color Change on Extra Graphic - Seyi

I changed the colour on the Taylor Swift quote because received feedback that the green colour made the text uneasy to read. Below is the new graphic:

Risk Assessment - Seyi

Below is the up to date risk assessment of what we have filmed so far. I did not post it because it was constantly being updated because of the new footage we film. I first trying sharing it through SlideShare, but the word document did not format properly and it came out looking badly, so I screenshot the pages instead.

Update on our website - Arman

I have updated the website of independent music news London with the interview we have of DJ Frank to add to our newsfeed to keep our page viewers up to date with our progress and

Thursday 23 March 2017

Final improved face to face graphics animation - Arman

I've had to edit the original graphic footage in order to tailor it to what Rye says in exact detail, missing out the money sign was a mistake on my part, with constructive feedback from our teacher I decided to add in the dollar sign to make the graphic more appealing to the audience and not just a plain face to face graphic animation.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Extra Graphics/Transitions - Seyi

I created extra graphics in case there were gasps in our finished product. I had used Adobe After Effects extra graphics which are related to our central topic. If we cannot use them in our news package, we can always put it on our website.
Below are quotes relating to being an independent artist or being against streaming:

The next video is just a play and fast forward button relating to music:

Monday 20 March 2017

DJ Frank's Soundcloud Screencastify footage - Seyi

We needed more content to fill in the space of where Rye was talking and waiting for my reponse, because there is a large gap.

I had used created a Soundcloud account for DJ Frank by uploading uncopyrighted music, adding fake album covers and reposting other people's music onto it. I then used Screencastify to record my screen of going up and down the page, showing the viewers what she is all about, as seen below:

However certain parts must be edited, such as the number of followers she had and other things including numbers, in order to show she has reached independent success. Below is the final product:

Thursday 16 March 2017

Music for the final newscast - Arman


Where we are at - Rye

This is currently our news package that we've been working on over the last couple weeks to get finished. As of now the project is mostly complete, Arman is working to get background music for my voiceover towards the end as it sounds quite plain however it may not be necessary and editing our interview footage, Seyi is editing the other half of the interview footage which is one of the last its needed for our news package to be complete. Samit is working on getting the News banner so that it can overlay our footage to give information on the people on screen whilst I'm putting the footage and graphics together in the final project, polishing any unfinished details and working on developing a script for my ending voiceover.

Replacement Graphic for Crying Kim K Image - Seyi

Our group received feedback relating to the Kim Kardashian image. We were told that because she is not an artist, we should change the image to a picture of an artist crying. I chose to add graphics to this because we were also told the level of our graphics is not up to the standard we are aiming for.

I used the YouTube tutorial to add a push button to say 'PUSH FOR TEARS' just to for the comedic value and relate to our aesthetic. Our news package should be similar to MTV news where they use bright colours and interesting graphics to keep things interesting and modern. I also chose to use a GIF of Selena Gomez for variety of media.

Below is our replacement for our crying Kim Kardashian image.
*I may need to change the background colour to match the graphics later

News Banner Templates - Samit

I have currently been working on adding our news ticker over the footage that we currently have, so that when we have completed our news package I am able to add the News ticker over the footage without having to worry if they are inline with the shot or not. I have been working on the news ticker on adobe after effects, using different animations to create a smooth ticker.

Making head outline + editing for the interview - Arman

Yesterday I worked within photoshop to create the black shadow of a persons head in order to align with what Rye is saying "Face to face".  Within photoshop I got a image off of google images of a bald man looking to the side.  Then I used magic wand and lasso tool in order to get the outline, and then used the paint tool in order to fill the remnants of the picture black.  After that I flipped over the image to create 2 identical images looking at each other.

Finally, I used premiere elements to get both images as separate files and make them appear one after another in order to follow the rhythm of Rye's talking.  To finish off, I changed the background to a matte grey, giving the final outcome as shown below:

Monday 13 March 2017

Logo - Seyi

I made a new logo for the right hand corner in the backdrop video using Adobe After Effects because I did not know where to get our old logo from. I changed a few colours because I wanted to involve our central colour: bright purple. It was only provisional but it ended up being suitable. We then decided to use it as our logo anyways.
Below is an image of our logo:

Thursday 9 March 2017

Finished editing interview footage of Seyi - Arman

Today i've finished editing the intreview footage of Seyi and have compressed it to minimise the ammount of used footage in order to keep to our timestamp on the newscast.  I've decided to leave little gaps for Rye so that he may edit the footage if there needs to be any altering later on, I have discussed with him about what I have done with the footage, he has said there's no issues with this.  I have clipped the footage in order of the interview question sequence making it easier to edit out the part which aren't needed.  Here is the footage:

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Editing interview footage - Arman

Today i've been editing the interview footage we have with Seyi as a music producer for our newscast.  Originally we had lost track of our interview clips and didn't know where to find them, however we managed to salvage them through searching the whole database of the macbook.  I have decided to quickly edit it and send it to Rye so we can add it to our final footage.

Monday 6 March 2017

Finishing up greenscreen footage for the newscast - Arman

Today i've been rendering and adding on the footage we have of Rye talking on top of Seyi's background footage for the newscast.  At first the green screen came out black which made me a little worried as to whether or not the footage would layer on it, however in the end I managed to get the footage to add as the background through using the keying green screen effect which for some reason recognised the background as the green screen.

Interview Music - Samit

Today, I managed to finish creating the music to go in the background of the interview to cover the clacking noise in the background.

Friday 3 March 2017

Green Screen Backdrop - Seyi

After spending weeks cutting, blurring and compiling music videos, I have finally come up with nearly two and a half minutes worth of backdrop footage.
I came up with the idea of blurring music videos and using them as a background to make it easier for the viewers to concentrate on the presenter. The first time we used footage from a festival, but it looks messy and quite harsh on the eyes. I created this backdrop to not only make it more appealing, but to include a social media tab
So rather than use a boring background or doing the conventional outdoor filming, we thought this would be true to our aesthetic and displays exactly what our news package is about. Our group was told not to use any known footage as our own, but we were given the green light when I asked about using it just for mis-en-scene.
Below is the green screen backdrop footage:

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Photo & Quote Presentation - Seyi

To find a way to present my quotes in a more contemporary and interesting way, such as how Complex News does theres. I checked youtube for transitions tutorials and then I found this:

The first time I did it, it was a fail, because I did not follow the instructions properly. First I thought I could manage the situation, but I realised it looked really weird. Below is my first try and my second try, I got it right on my second try.

I only used the tutorial for transitions, so I never watched it to the end. When I finally got it right, I saved a copy, and edited that copy in order to use it within text. At first, I was not sure where I needed text, but then I realised I needed a form of text to present the 'staff talks' vox pops, and using the transition as a fill would promote uniformity. So I then followed the tutorial to the end and used it. The first video my first attempt, which was an epic fail, I was going to manage it until I found out how awkward it looked, because I was still using the pre-composed graphics from my first transition fail. The second video is my final product, using the second perfect transition and the 'Luma Matte' effect.

Below is my final product and my first try for implementing the images on my transition, which will appear on the screen to show proof of successful independent artists, both British and American, one are Remy Ma lyrics, the other is a screenshot of JME's twitter. I first thought I had it right, until I spotted some faults, such as the JME part being too long and gaps in the image of my tansition.
First try:

Second try: