Thursday 29 September 2016

Analysis of Newscast - Arman

The opening sequence establishes the upcoming content within the news cast by displaying multiple media platforms on electronic devices.  The first cut shows a man closing his curtains at night and sitting on the couch suggesting that this news is meant for a more mature audience since most kids are sleeping by night time, also the way the news is displayed has a mature atmosphere to it due to it being filmed in a professional manner in terms of the framing being smooth.

The opening with the news reporter walking towards the camera felt unneeded and far too long, the dialogue was almost inaudible due to the sheer amount of background noise being produced by cards and pedestrians.  I'm not sure whether he intended to put a back slash at 0:32 but it didn't look professional at all, it seemed as if they had rushed it a little and didn't want to do any retakes and just put whatever they had all together.  The editing was great and so was the filming, however it did have some room for improvement such as the sound.

They layer sound on other film footage to cause overlay which gives the content a more smooth feeling to it and really makes it look more professional to my eyes.  However, from 1:32 the graph is very shaky causing slight disturbance to my eyes as it is very pixelated and small and rendered in poor quality.

Although the outcome of the project was seemingly put together well, and they even ended up with a C, I find that it had the feeling of being done last minute and rushed.  Had they done it in more time I believe the outcome grade would have been higher than a C.

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