Thursday 29 September 2016

Analysis of News Package - Samit

The quality of the news package is of a high quality and allows the consumers to easily follow the message that they are attempting to portray, an example of this is the use of dissolving text animations and cartoon animations that allows the consumer to follow what the news package is informing us about.

This news packages also uses interviews which are broken up by cut away shots to allow the consumer to not get bored and to entice them, this is a good use of cut aways as it allows the news that they are informing us about to be fresh in our mind due to the variety of colours and different images being shown on the screen.The quality of the interview is slightly lacklustre  as the women who is being interviewed is always using 'filler words' such as 'uhhh and umm' which takes away the professional feel. The interview also lacks lighting and although the room which the interview conducted in was appropriate, it was dull causing the viewer to lose interest.

Overall, I believe that this news package would be graded as an A piece, although they had areas to improve on, the overall message was portrayed very clearly and the use of editing and animations allow the user to keep interest in the news package.

Following the news package above I would like to advise this group in where they can improve from a D grade standard to an A/B grade standard.

The 1st thing that would depreciate the grade of the following news package is animations used in the following news package, this would decrease the grade due to the animations bugging out (moving rapidly from side to side) causing the viewer to possible have a seizure and which can damage the reputation of the group as they have no disclaimer.

Another the reason why this news package is dull is due to the lack of cut a way shots and editing used. An example of this is the way the group has not used a news banner which makes the whole news package seem dull and causes the viewer to lose interest. Another example of the lack of editing shows at the end of the new package where it just cuts off rather than easing off of the news package making the whole thing seem not professional.

Overall, the group would have to focus on making their piece seem as a more professional piece and need fine refining to allow the increase of boundaries between this groups new package in comparison to the new package above.


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