Thursday 29 September 2016

Analysis of News Package - Samit

The quality of the news package is of a high quality and allows the consumers to easily follow the message that they are attempting to portray, an example of this is the use of dissolving text animations and cartoon animations that allows the consumer to follow what the news package is informing us about.

This news packages also uses interviews which are broken up by cut away shots to allow the consumer to not get bored and to entice them, this is a good use of cut aways as it allows the news that they are informing us about to be fresh in our mind due to the variety of colours and different images being shown on the screen.The quality of the interview is slightly lacklustre  as the women who is being interviewed is always using 'filler words' such as 'uhhh and umm' which takes away the professional feel. The interview also lacks lighting and although the room which the interview conducted in was appropriate, it was dull causing the viewer to lose interest.

Overall, I believe that this news package would be graded as an A piece, although they had areas to improve on, the overall message was portrayed very clearly and the use of editing and animations allow the user to keep interest in the news package.

Following the news package above I would like to advise this group in where they can improve from a D grade standard to an A/B grade standard.

The 1st thing that would depreciate the grade of the following news package is animations used in the following news package, this would decrease the grade due to the animations bugging out (moving rapidly from side to side) causing the viewer to possible have a seizure and which can damage the reputation of the group as they have no disclaimer.

Another the reason why this news package is dull is due to the lack of cut a way shots and editing used. An example of this is the way the group has not used a news banner which makes the whole news package seem dull and causes the viewer to lose interest. Another example of the lack of editing shows at the end of the new package where it just cuts off rather than easing off of the news package making the whole thing seem not professional.

Overall, the group would have to focus on making their piece seem as a more professional piece and need fine refining to allow the increase of boundaries between this groups new package in comparison to the new package above.


Reviewing examples of a newscast - Rye

Overall, I believe that this newscast has the quality of a B grade piece. The newscast has quality animations within the piece, an example of this is when the have their bar chart displaying the box office sales of each movies which helps us to understand the proportion to how little independent films make in comparison. During the interviews they have cutaways to the context of which the interview is talking about.The interviews they conducted also look very professional as they have real independent film makers in their offices with the right mise en scene and have cutaways to the films they've made giving the interview a new level of sophistication.

 However, although they had all aspects to get an A grade piece they lacked quality in their IT which ultimately cost them a grade.

Here is an example of an A grade piece with better IT. This newscast looks very professional with it's intro and other uses of IT on par with that of newsround on CBBC. However what lets them down is their interview as the interview is long and drawn out with no exciting IT that the rest of the video is overflowing with. The voiceover is average and could be better however is of a sufficient quality, enough for us to understand what he is talking about but isn't as exciting and enthusiastic as the rest of the newscast which in my opinion like the interview takes away from the professional feel of the rest of the newscast.

Analysis of Newscast - Arman

The opening sequence establishes the upcoming content within the news cast by displaying multiple media platforms on electronic devices.  The first cut shows a man closing his curtains at night and sitting on the couch suggesting that this news is meant for a more mature audience since most kids are sleeping by night time, also the way the news is displayed has a mature atmosphere to it due to it being filmed in a professional manner in terms of the framing being smooth.

The opening with the news reporter walking towards the camera felt unneeded and far too long, the dialogue was almost inaudible due to the sheer amount of background noise being produced by cards and pedestrians.  I'm not sure whether he intended to put a back slash at 0:32 but it didn't look professional at all, it seemed as if they had rushed it a little and didn't want to do any retakes and just put whatever they had all together.  The editing was great and so was the filming, however it did have some room for improvement such as the sound.

They layer sound on other film footage to cause overlay which gives the content a more smooth feeling to it and really makes it look more professional to my eyes.  However, from 1:32 the graph is very shaky causing slight disturbance to my eyes as it is very pixelated and small and rendered in poor quality.

Although the outcome of the project was seemingly put together well, and they even ended up with a C, I find that it had the feeling of being done last minute and rushed.  Had they done it in more time I believe the outcome grade would have been higher than a C.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Making of the script and blog editing-Rye and Arman

Me and Rye worked on the script for our interview for when we go to film.  We have some minor set-backs due to some members not being in, but we will manage, we have made changes to the blog background due to demand of it being changed.

Music Piracy - Rye

This is my prezi on how music piracy is affecting the music industry and how it is costing the industry billions of dollars making it hard for new and up and coming musicians to become household names.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Label vs No Label - Samit

This is a thinglink on the differences on artists who are signed by labels in comparison to and artist who is not and why the music indurty is reluctant to scout new musicians and artists.


News Banner Template - Samit

This was a successful attempt at creating a news banner for our future news production. This was created using After Effects and the titles in this banner can be edited to see fit.


Mainstream Vs Niche News - Rye

This is my prezi that compares niche news to mainstream news such as the BBC. This allows me to understand what features I may need to implement into my own news channel.

Monday 26 September 2016

Arman's Thinglink on research topic: Music

I wrote a quick Thinglink on how artists from back in the day had to have a label to become big, and how in todays day and age with internet anyone can make themselves a pop idol without being with any sort of label.

Analysis on Branding - Seyi

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Panama Papers example of a news feed - Rye

This is an example of a professional news corporation talking about the topic of corporations and rich powerful people taking advantage of the system and avoiding paying their taxes. This is arguably morally wrong as many of these figures work in governing bodies who collect taxes themselves. Although not illegal the panama papers have leaked alot of information exposing and shaming many big figures for their unjust actions.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Corporate Inversion - Rye

Today in class we discussed ideas for our topic of choice. One of which was how businesses can pay less tax. I watched both of these videos on how companies are able to lower their tax rates through what's called corporate inversion. Now normally a company based in America would have to pay a corporate tax rate of 35% but through the use of Corporate Inversion they only have to pay 12.5% corporate tax rate as they are merged with another company offshore for example Ireland and they label themselves as an Irish Company meaning they pay tax to Ireland rather than America. There is a lot of debate over this as this is completely legal to do however it takes the money of the public of one country and sends it to another and so the public aren't getting their money reinvested into the community.

Research topic: skating - Arman

In todays day and age skating is a major sport for millions of people around the globe.  The world of skating has given birth to many famous people such as Tony Hawk who is an inspiration or many skaters out there an even considered the father of skating.  However in todays day and age new inventions such s electronic skateboards are surfacing up and taking over the industry slowly, could this be the end of old school skating and the rise of a more technological way in the sport?

Here are some questions I would ask local skaters in a public interview:

1) Has skating changed your way of life? If so, how?

2) Do you believe technology is taking over the skating world? if so why?

3)How did you feel when the Southbank skatepark was at risk of closure?

We would then interview Steve Douglas, a former British skating pro who is now the VP of Dwindle Distribution(worlds largest skateboard company situated in the US).  Asking him about how he feel skateboarding has had a positive impact on the youth and how it keeps them occupied and away from crime drugs, and how skating as a whole has had a good impact on the economy as a whole.

Monday 19 September 2016

First Post - Rye, Arman and Samit

We are aestheticallypleasingpd(APPD for short), we have looked at potential project ides and currently we're researching into skateboarding and have looked at youtube videos comparing them to other types of boards for example the video embedded. We also looked at websites talking about apps that can be used with skateboards to see how technology is changing the skating world. Another idea is the effect that electric boards are having on the skating world and whether or not they will take over the franchise or will riders stick to the original basic boards we all know and love.