Monday 27 February 2017

Finishing animated graph - Arman

Today i've finished the line graph for out cutaways within the final newscast.  Here is the video of a first draft of the animated line, in the future I will be animating it to certain statistics that Rye will be announcing on the newscast.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Interview Footage Clarity Adjustment - Samit

Today, I was adjusting the interview footage on Adobe After Effects to make the interview footage less blurry (removing noise from the footage). This was in attempt to make the footage more clear and to provide more clarity to our news package. Unfortunately, I am unable to link the new footage due to the render queue time being 2 hours. In light of this, I will upload the attempt of the corrected footage tomorrow.


Wednesday 22 February 2017

Making animated graph - Arman

Today I started to make our animated graph for our statistics that will come on during the news report.  I'm using the following tutorial to help me create this animated graph:

Using this we will be able to have a cutaway from the footage with a smooth edit and clean graph.

Finished editing interview footage - Arman

Before the holidays i was editing the interview footage we had of our interview with Montrel.  I haven't posted on the blog as I have been pre-occupied with editing and graphics, though this isn't a good excuse for not showing much effort within the blog.  This is the final footage that will be used in the newscast, it will be added in.

Backdrop Sample 2 - Seyi

Below is my new backdrop sample. It is only slightly different from the first one because this time i have added a tab on top with our social media information.
I found it a good idea because many music news channels provide this because many of their target audiences have a strong social media presence, and social media is the source of many young people's news.
I will ask for feedback on this new backdrop later to make this official. Looking at it, I honestly feel it might be too cluttered, but maybe my group and I can find other things which may need changing.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Citizen Journalism - Samit

Today, I watched a Ted Talk by Paul Lewis who spoke about citizen journalism. I then downloaded his ted talks and am now editing it so that the we can change the stories that he talks about to ones that we found on the internet.


Citizen Journalism examples - Rye

Eliot Higgins, a man with no formal journalistic training and no prior background in media decided from his flat in Leister that he had to act upon the Ukraine conflict. He took to the internet and blogged under 'nom de plume' and became an expert in Syrian weaponry and terrorist activities by studying youtube videos and connecting himself with other self-made experts. He was able to access the open database showing pictures, videos and eye witness reports by local residents depicting vehicles, blast craters and burn marks. He was able to identify and thus prove that Russia had been firing missiles from within it's own borders despite officials denying any involvement. He sent his research to CJ Chivers a writer of the New York Times who helped confirm that the Syrian government was also using banned weapons.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Final Script - Seyi

I decided to change the script one last time and remove the information about Taylor Swift, and refer to it within the interview in order to shorten the script. I also added Rye's additions and Arman's interview questions to the script. However, Arman's questions may need to be changed a little it to relate them to streaming.
Then I had the idea of using the interview of the producer in the format of when the news calls a representative who is not present, in order to get footage filmed quickly and add some creativity to our news package. Such as the one below:

Below is the new script:

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Backdrop Sample - Seyi

I had come up with the idea of using blurred footage from music videos and using them as the backdrop for the time where Rye is speaking in front of a green screen to maintain our news package's contemporary aesthetic, and attract our primary target audience.
I then used Adobe After Effects to put my idea together. I tried using the logo which we created at first, but it was difficult to implement. So, I had just put together something similar to it. We need to look into this because it means our logo is not as replicable as we assumed. I will continue to add more music videos to the sample in order to come up with the final product for our backdrop.


I also need to change the speed of the animation, because whilst making it, I did not expect the movement to be so fast.

Monday 6 February 2017

Graph Work Problems - Samit

The graph that I have been working on has been seeing some unfixable problems such as the recurring decimals, and the 2nd bar which the number beneath is stuck at 251 where it should be at a peak number of 100. Come forth with these problems I have researched on how t fix them, but due to the type of editing software which I am using, there are no presentable solutions.


Wednesday 1 February 2017

Narration - Rye

We're here today at Baker Street to catch up with Jonny and Danny, two members of an independent music band to get an inside look on what they do in their daily lives and how they view being signed as part of a label.

New order - Rye

New Order

Every year aspiring teenagers form bands with the dream of one day headlining a festival like redding. The age old dream of forming a band that will take on the world is as appealing as ever.